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The Bareclaw Company

proudly brought to you by Barefoot Property Solutions

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Why Choose Bareclaw?

Personal Consultation

Before we decide to work together, our investor relations team will qualify you for upcoming investment opportunities. Use our investor form so that we can better understand your personal goals. 

Education First Approach

It is vital to our team that we provide opportunities for our capital partners to learn, develop, and grow their knowledge, skills, and network. Through digital content, we teach wealth-creation principles necessary for both new and seasoned investors.

OUR Strategy

We always leave the property better than it was at acquisition. We improve its financial statements by creating more efficient operating systems that generate cash flow. Plus, we add value to the property through necessary capital improvements that generate equity gain at sale. It’s a win for our investors. 

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Four Factor Approach

  1. Raise private capital for purchases up to $15MM

  2. Maximize tenant experience by physical upgrades on the property and improved management systems.

  3. During a 3-7 year hold, achieve strong returns of 8%+ COC and 16%+ ARR for our investors

  4. Improve financial statements before sale, instilling investor confidence for your next investment with us

Buying Criteria

  • Emerging markets in the United States

  • Built after 1975 

  • Between 40-120 units

  • Expert underwriting and acquisitions team will only approve purchases that generate our promised returns 

  • Properties in B to C rated neighborhoods with vibrant signs of business growth, favorable amenities, and positive school ratings.

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